Family Life

Missing my siblings

I just chatted with my big sis on Yahoo! Messenger this afternoon and she was busy making plans for our upcoming trip to where they are staying now, in Finland. Yey! This is one of the reasons I am getting excited about my Europe trip, visiting my big sis in Finland and my cutie sis in Prague.

With my siblings being continents apart from where I am, seeing them, living and being together with them have been rare occasions. I already miss my smart and playful nephews and nieces and sometimes I am happy just to know some tidbits about them and seeing their pics or viewing them on the webcam.

Anzel and R-jed at the playground
My nephew R-jed and niece Anzel at the playground.

Anyway, I just content myself for now with the fact that it will be just few more days to go before I will finally be meeting them. And yeah, I have to pack up all the stuff they want me to bring – native delicacies, clothes and things they miss from here.

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