
Missing a friend

Few months ago, I got a message in my email inbox with the subject “Why?”

It was from a good friend in the US of A. This is the content of her email:

“I hope you reply with this message. I was wondering why both you and daisy’s profile were not on my list of friends anymore on Friendster. Did I do something that upset both of you? Please let me know so I could apologize.
I was really surprised not to see your names anymore.
Again, hope you reply soon so I would know what’s going on. I’m worried because I really treasure your friendships.
Thank you.”

Aaah friendships… I was so touched that she noticed I wasn’t in her Friendster list anymore and even emailed me about it. So I immediately replied back to tell her that I deleted my Friendster account, and explained that “I realized I can live without friendster, coz I can still communicate with my close friends thru email and chat. my point is…. friendster is just not my style of connecting with my friends… it’s just not my cup of tea, I do hope u understand…” And she replied back with a lengthy email describing her recent happenings with this intro, “Thank you very much for the immediate reply. I feel so relieved now :)”

This girl, she is really one of my good good friends. I remember she used to drop by our house and it’s just good to chat with her. I can’t forget her coz she borrowed my book and forgot to return it! Hehe… oh well, she sent me a link to her US pics, and I’m so glad she’s blissfully married to a wonderful guy, and she tells me she’s so blessed. I know she won’t change, she will still be the same sweet friend I have.

I have some questions for her though:
1. When are you going to have your baby? (I want to see how he/she would look like, of course I’m sure the baby will be as cute as you)
2. How’s your graphic design career? (hope you’re still having fun with it)
3. Are you staying in the US for good? (so I can visit you when I go there, naks)
4. When are you visiting us here in the Philippines? (we miss you badly!)
5. Will you have rhinoplasty in Los Angeles? (I know it’s quite a fad there these days, hehe…)
…and now that you’re reading this… make sure to send something for Christmas. LOL… binuang ra uy, dala tinuod. 🙂

I miss you friend.

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