Meme on my mind

I’m one of the happy residents of the blogosphere for almost a year now (my first post was April 2006) and I should say I’ve been tagged by memes at least enough to make me want to create my own. Funny how I still read the word as ‘me-me’ sometimes instead of ‘meem’ as what Mr. Dictionary says so. I guess my first pronunciation of the word got stuck to my brain.

Anyway, I’m currently on a ‘meme syndrome’ or that’s what I wanted to call this weird urge to propagate something in the blogosphere. I already wrote down the rules and I still am trying to refine it. This has been an idea sleeping on my mind for ages now and it has already awaken, waiting to spread.

Hmmm…. in case you’re curious, here’s a hint: it will surely make your blogmates smile when they’re tagged. OK, that’s not a good hint after all, but I will be posting the meme as soon as I’m done with the fine-tuning. Ciao!

5 thoughts on “Meme on my mind”

  1. Hey, this year marks my 1st year blog anniversary too. i started blogging last january 2006. Happy blogsary to both of us, hehe.

  2. Sexy mom: I have to discuss some of the details in a meeting yet. 🙂
    Alvin: Does that mean I can tag you with the meme too? he he… sure I’ll keep you posted.
    Curacha: congrats to us! 🙂 I will be having some fireworks here in my blog on April.
    Tin-tin: Hey, where have you been? I thought you updated your blog but no new post yet. 🙁
    Actually I’m done with the mechanics of the meme, it’s just me being busy again to be the first to do it…
    You’re still on hiatus? sayang, I’m thinking of tagging you pa naman.

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