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Magazines galore

What do you do when stuck in the waiting room of a dentist’s clinic or a corporate office? Well, me I usually flip over their magazines to entertain myself and make use of my time. Magazines sure do contain lots of information especially on my topics of interests such as architecture, interior design, home & living and even celebrity news. 🙂 For those who don’t want to miss out on their favorite magazines, a yearly subscription is all it takes.

I’ve been browsing over at Mags For Less and they feature a wide range of magazines covering general topics and subject matters to specific hobbies and interests. They offer magazine subscriptions at low rates and their magazines are categorized into featured products, top sellers such as TV Guide, Readers Digest, ESPN Magazine and more or product categories such as celebrity & entertainment, fashion, news & politics, travel, women’s interest and more. I bet the ladies would be interested with their Women’s Health Magazine package, which includes the Total Health and Body & Soul magazines.

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