Kitchen organizing

Mom recently celebrated her 75th birthday and as a thanksgiving, we gave out some heavy snacks after our community prayer meeting. We prepared food packs for 40 persons so it was quite a tough task with just three of us here at home.

After all the hullabaloo of food preparation, the kitchen was quite a sight to behold, with the used dishes and pots lying around. The sink was filled up with plates and utensils waiting to be cleaned up. What a mess it was! I wished some genie would pop out of the bottle and clear up the storm.

Despite our kitchen having some pull out drawers and shelves, we still need an organizer for my pots and pans. Additional shelves are also needed for other items that needed to be arranged as they are currently adding up to the chaos on the counter-top. Sigh. Another thing that’s needed is time — with my busy schedule these days, how I long to have more time for organizing our kitchen.

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