Just some blogging issues

Yesterday I got engrossed with some blogging issues. It’s part of the website project I’ve been planning to do since last year. Until now, I still have not focused on it because so many other things came up. Well, at least yesterday I took some few steps forward to that goal and managed to download and install XAMPP, a program that lets you install WordPress locally on your computer, so you can do blog tweaking to your heart’s content before uploading your theme changes online. It’s a pretty cool program and actually makes things a lot easier. So, now I have a local copy of the theme I need to work on in my computer. The next step is to act on it!

For those who need to work on their websites, I know it needs focus and lots of time (and coffee) to meet some goals. For instance, just the task of choosing a web hosting provider also needs careful research. If you’re looking for the best provider to meet your hosting needs, there are great online resource sites like bestwpdesigner.com that provide an updated list of the Top 10 trusted webhosting providers. These are listed according to important factors that influence one’s decision: rank (according to over-all rating), price, free setup or installation, moneyback guarantee, unlimited disk space, free domain, and other essential features. Currently, HostMonster is leading the pack, followed by BlueHost and JustHost.

Thankfully I have gone through such research last year when I was hunting for a webhost that would meet my needs. I decided on a webhost provider that met my preferences for domain, disk space, price and other concerns.

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