Jazzing up our home

Recently my Dad bought lots of different sizes of those thin black plastic pots.  “What for?” I asked.

He said he wanted to make something nice for our garden…something that would look like this:

The flower carpet garden at the Royal Flora exposition we went to last December in Chiang Mai.

I just smiled when I heard him. Oh well, those flowers were planted in plastic pots, with same color and variety grouped together. The resulting display of different hues just looked awesome (including us?! hehe). It also inspired my Dad to do something like that for our garden.

He’s starting with these plants now:

Still a loooooong long way to go Dad! : ) 

As for me, I’m done with my design project for now, so I have more time to look around our house and think of adding up some accessories to beautify our home. Its fun getting some home improvement ideas from websites such as Online Discount Mart where they have new products for Spring 2007. I browsed on a lot of cool stuff in their site like fountains, garden furniture and accessories, home decors, wind chimes, wall decors and many other different items.

Heres a personal favorite – the Pinewood garden swing:

Ahhh…. what a nice way to relax!

I was also able to get some great home decor ideas, landscaping tips such as walkway design, and even do-it-yourself projects such as how to make your own fountain. 

I’m still wondering though… do you think my Dad will be able to make a mini ‘flower carpet’ in our garden too?  Hmmmm… I’ll give him some more time, since he is also busy with his carpentry and tinkering with other stuff. 🙂

12 thoughts on “Jazzing up our home”

  1. Lucky us, we have only a 4 to 5 months to work on our outdoor garden, because of the long winter. We have two kinds of plants and flowers, the annuals and the perennials. Roses are usually annuals and just pop in spring, but we prefer the annuals as we can change the make up every season.
    Home improvement is one BIG business, the phenomenon growth of Home Depot, Lowes and other Big Box Home improvement stores attest to the trend…

  2. who wouldn’t want to have a garden like that? i sort of understand where your Dad is coming from, pls. say good luck to him for me hehehe
    BTW, i transferred to blogger. Pls update your links.Hope to see you there 🙂

  3. wow ha!!! dapat every other month, you take pictures, para you’ll see and we’ll see if there are any developments sa garden. and how long pa bago nyo maachieve yung dream garden. hehe ;p

  4. nice garden. Every time I pass by transcentral highway (cebu to balamban), i’d buy my mom flowering plants. I’d like to see colorful flowers in the garden.

  5. Vic: big business indeed for these companies esp since they have DIY stuff that caters not only for the builder or handyman but even for homemakers and busy moms.
    Raine: he he… I sure hope his dream garden would come true!
    blogger? hmmm…. don’t give up your i.ph blog yet, it will come in handy for future blogsy ventures like b2p since they don’t accept blogspot domains anymore. just maintain it with some entries. i myself created another blog but still with i.ph… the best thing though is to have your own domain. 🙂

  6. Tin-tin: naks, nakaka-pressure pag ganyan. well, i will help him with it coz by the looks of it, he still have a longgg way to go though a few square meters of at least three flower/plant groups would be nice na. sigh. and we have to find some colorful flowers pa.
    Lazarus: yup really nice garden! and when we inspected them closely, the flowers were just planted in those plastic pots and grouped together… they were not even planted on the ground. i think it was good idea for the Royal flora exposition. that time, we saw a truckload of flowers, and we saw some gardeners changing the flowers with new ones. cool huh?
    i bet your mom always smiles when she receives your gift of flowering plants.

  7. Daisy: hmmm…. we’ll see. I have to find some really nice ones for a photo…fyi, some of your euphorbias are in the balcony happily blooming in the hot sun.

  8. Isa: yes, beautiful and inspiring gyud… from that flower carpet garden, we got some smart yet simple ways of making our garden look better… only, we haven’t applied them yet. 🙂

  9. I just saw your entry about your father’s dream to have a garden. I would recommend him to use soil- less potting mix (if your dad is planning to plant on pots) he can use soil- less plantastic or low maintenance plantastic, perfect for potted flowering. actually that is what we are using. You may visit this website for more info. www dot soil-less dot com

  10. hi Ann! thanks for sharing the info, we haven’t tried using soil-less mix for our plants. i will tell my Dad about it.

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