International shipment of used appliances

Ever tried shipping electronic appliances to another country? That’s what my big sis did with her old 21” TV which she sent from Thailand to the Philippines via DHL jumbo box AKA balikbayan box. I thought it was not possible when she told me she will be shipping it along with her other stuff, but when the huge heavy box was delivered here at home, I was proven wrong.

The TV survived the shipping and handling (yep, it is working fine until now) as it was cushioned, wrapped around and held intact with books, throwpillows, clothing and other stuff. Even its disassembled TV stand was included in the box.

Well, those were the days when international courier rules were not that strict. I wonder how it is nowadays when sending balikbayan box with a TV inside? I know somebody in Canada who was also planning to send her used LCD TV to the Philippines. Now I wonder if her plans pushed through and how it was shipped.

If you are based abroad and planning to send some used electronic appliances to your family or relatives in the Philippines, I suggest you’d rather not. Why? Come to think of it, the costs of brand new electronic goods are getting more affordable nowadays. There are always some great deals and packages on home appliances such as LED TVs, home theaters, washing machines, etc. as well as discounted accessories such as audio racks and television stands sale in most appliance stores, whether online or at the malls.

When planning to send some old appliances to your family, why not compare the cost of shipping versus buying a brand new unit during sale season. Aside from the delivery cost, you also need to consider the risks involved with international shipping and handling. I’d rather have an old unit sold at a reasonable price, than ship it and pay for precious kilograms. However, it might come out more advantageous to send it if you also consider other important factors. The best thing to do is to weigh the pros and cons when you decide to send some package, whether used appliances or not, to your loved ones in the Philippines.

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