In tune

It’s always a joy to the ears to listen to music being played well – voices in harmony, lyrics are spot on, and the instruments properly tuned. Whether an artist or band is playing music by the streets or in a huge concert hall, a lot of preparation and practice are the keys to producing music that pleases the listeners; otherwise the result would be a topsy-turvy sound that can make your eardrums cringe.

A street band at the Charles Bridge, Prague
Music by the bridge: A street band at the Charles Bridge in Prague

Aside from well-blended voices, having correct tuning for the instruments is a must. It doesn’t help much if the group has a complete set of musical instruments to back them up – from Pearl or Gretsch drum sets and percussions, Gibson acoustic and electric guitars to emg pickups and other hardware and accessories – if these are not properly tuned and mixed.

I remember one Sunday Mass, mom showed her appreciation for the choir, particularly how the acoustic guitarist played accompaniment for the songs and especially at the final hymn. It was not just because of the pleasant acoustic sound produced by his guitar (I bet it was an expensive brand) or his good playing skills that came out through the songs. His enthusiasm and exuberance shone through as well, leading the congregation to joyful worship and we felt so blessed.

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