

Yesterday I got an offline message in YM from my cutie sis informing me that i.PH finally changed my blog to its new version. Curiosity got the best of me, so despite a looming deadline for a project, I wasted no time in checking it out and got the shock of my life – my blog got a new look, just like somebody who had plastic surgery.

First of all, the template was blue with a blog title of ‘blue lagoon’ hehehe… and to my disappointment, all my side bar blah blahs were gone! What I mean here is that – my categories, my links to my friends’ blogs, my ‘About me’ section, my tagline, etc. all went down the i.PH trash. 🙁

Cutie sis suggested that I write them an email, they still might have a file of my old settings. Even my message board is a bit messed up, the dates are all set to November 14. grrrr….. Anyway, this layout will do for now… I still have to orient myself with i.PH’s new interface.

Change can sometimes be so uncomfortable.


Just an update (as of Nov. 16): Thanks to i.PH for quickly fixing my template. I emailed them yesterday morning and they immediately responded in the afternoon. Now, my tagline, links, and other sidebar items are back… though not really the same as the older version. But I am definitely finding this new version better – after going through some of the basic settings. Thanks to i.PH! Luv yah guys… 😀
p.s. I wonder when I’m gonna have the precious time to tweak the new settings and make a different template for this blog… it’s really time for a change.
another p.s. to my blogmates… sorry for not visiting your blogs lately… the usual reason with a capital B. 🙂

13 replies on “Huh?”

Hi there. I admit that it will take some bit of adjustment to get used to the new version. I went through it myself. But there are a lot of nifty new features and I feel you will quite enjoy discovering and using them. I know I did. Hey let me know if there’s anyway I can help with the transition. If you have any content that was lost I can try to recover them for you. Have a great day and good luck with the project.

Oh man that sucks! Blue Lagoon? They must’ve though you’re Brooke Shields, haha. Kidding. Anyways, moving away from our comfort zone can really be tough sometimes, but you’ll adjust I’m sure. 🙂

Adam Mordo: Thanks for the help… that was fast huh? 🙂 yep, you bet I’m enjoying this new version now.
Snglguy, Daisy and Rey: I was surprised, butttt… now I’m just glad of this change. 🙂 I’m actually excited to play around with the new settings but my schedule is kinda filled up for now. Oh well…

hey good for you! i’m still left with the old version but am in no hurry to be migrated to the new one.been busy lately too that’s why i was not able to bloghop but here i am
good luck w/ the busy-ness 🙂

Good to know that you’re feeling better about the change. I’m glad I was able to help.
Hey, I’m trying to round up some people for an informal EB. Nothing fancy, just a few bloggers getting together and exchanging ideas offline. If we can get a good attendance, maybe I can get the company to sponsor an actual party, get a few bands to perform. Right now, I’ve got zilch so your ideas are welcome.

raine: make sure to back up your side bar items, esp the links… you might have probs with them when they transfer you to the new version.
Adam Mordo: an EB, wow…but am not in Manila, so I don’t think I can attend that one – it would be cool having a party w/ bands performing on the side.
I suggest you put up an i.PH bloggers directory in your home page, that would make it easier for i.PH bloggers to get to know each other…aside from the usual blog-hopping. how about a chat room too?
about the forum, just let me know when it’s up.
tin-tin: yeah…sayang di mo nakita, na-shocked ka rin siguro, hehe… happy weekend too!

sometimes it’s a good idea if you’re IT knowhow is limited like mine, just leave everything as is, nothing can go wrong, but sometimes, i can’t help but tweak a thing here and there and ended up calling my ISP provider or my expert relatives from miles away to help me put everything back. but i rather be an expert and play with this thing i just discovered as entertaining as some of my favourite “others”.

vic: yep me too, i’d rather be an expert when it comes to IT stuff (though sadly i’m not)…it takes so much time when u learn it the hard way.

Great Idea about the bloggers directory. Thanks. I’ll be working on that as soon as I can. I’ll see what I can do about the chat room though. That may follow later. I was thinking of starting one using SWF Userplane but it’s painfully slow. There is an actual forum but it’s rarely that anyone ever goes there. It’s at I hope you can check it out. Keep blogging!!!

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