
Home alone

Well, not really alone… it was just me and my cutie sis left here at home for about a week.

Since last Wednesday, Mom and Dad were out of town. They went to Mindanao, to be exact. Naturally, we don’t want the neighbors to know it’s just the two of us left, otherwise it would make us vulnerable to the ‘bad guys’ (one of our neighbors was robbed before). Well, I’m not really worried about that, but just to feel safer, we kept the gate always locked, which we normally don’t do. When one of our friends asked where Mom was, I just told her, she went somewhere.

    My Uncle called up and asked my sis, “Kamo lang da duha? Wala man kamo nahadlok?” (It’s just the two of you there? Are you not afraid?)
To which my sister laughed and replied, “Wala eh! Nga-a mahadlok man kami?” (Of course not! Why should we be afraid?)
He jokingly teased her, “Basi may aswang da ya?” (There might be a witch?) Haha… well, we’re quite brave when it comes to witches… but robbers or strangers breaking in the house? That’s a different story. Also, when my Mom called up one afternoon to check on us, she asked if my cutie sis was not afraid to sleep alone in her room upstairs. Grabe naman!

Anyway, with the house being two people less, it seemed different. Meal times are quieter than the usual, and on late evenings, I worked on the computer without a surprised Mom asking me why I’m still up. Then I missed Dad not being around tinkering with his tools and his usual stuff.

    Finally, they were home last night! Suddenly, the house was bustling with non-stop conversation about news of their recent trip and the latest infos concerning our relatives.

As my cutie sis remarked, “Everything is back to normal again.” Hmmm… even the gate today is not locked anymore.

10 replies on “Home alone”

where in mindanao is that?

its nice to have the house all mine, there's no one to reprimand me about the extensive use of the computer.. hehehe

@shane: They went to Iligan, the land of yummy Chedeng's peanuts.

Aha… that means, once u get hold of the computer, time just flies. =p

It's fun to be home alone at times doesn't it? It gives you that feeling of space and a lot of "me" time. 🙂

@snglguy: Yes, it sure is fun, but not when it would be more than a week though. In cebuano, we call it mingaw… I don't know how to describe that feeling in English. =)

[5] ohh.. yeah.. i love eating chedeng peanuts.. hehe yeah.. i can sit in front of the computer whole afternoon.. 🙂

by the way, iligan's just an hour and a half ride from here.. 🙂

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