Heaven sent

Isn’t it heartwarming to receive greetings or emails from good friends who are continents away from us? I got a nice inspiring email from a dear friend in the US and her recent experience is worth posting here.


I want to share with you a personal experience that happened during our vacation. My husband and I had a car snow accident few days ago. Before the accident happened I was already praying the Psalm 91 as we were already anxious about a sudden snow storm. On our way to our hotel, our car hit the snow slope. In my panic state, I thought God didn’t hear my prayer.

But believe it or not, in less than a minute, and if you can just imagine the timing, there was a sudden knock on our car window asking us if we were okay. They said they would help us. What a relief to know that they were rangers from the national park. It seemed as if they were heaven sent as they suddenly appeared from nowhere. We really thought we would be stuck in the snow that night. I was already thinking of the worst but we got help immediately.

Despite what happened, I’m still thankful that we got home safe. Now I realized that God listened to my prayers. I was asking for safety, He gave it to me and my husband. I remember that we have to be specific in our prayers. I forgot to pray for safety for our car too. At least the damage was not that bad. It’s just the front bumper that got a dent.

According to the ranger, if my husband was overspeeding that time, our car could have overturned. Another thing that I’m thankful was that our car hit the snow slope side, otherwise we could have fallen over the cliff.


I hope you’ll be blessed as I had been after reading this simple testimony about God’s presence and protection whenever we need Him. Thanks to Odeth for letting me publish her story here.

Have a safe and relaxing day ahead!

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