
Healthy living is the IN thing

I just notice that most moms are quite careful about the food they give to their kids when they’re still babies and toddlers – keeping them away from sweets and junk food. But as their children progress to being 5 years old and above, they’re left to be lured with what their classmates eat during snack time – chips, softdrinks, candies and other unhealthy food. The parents seem to be OK with this.

I guess it’s the same with the eating habits of adults too. Most of us are not conscious with the nutrition we get from our daily meals. I remember one elderly officemate who drinks only black coffee and smokes a cigarette for breakfast. And what about some TV commercials that feature thirsty teens drinking softdrinks? It may look like the IN thing but it’s definitely NOT healthy. Thirst and hunger means your tummy is craving for food and water, NOT some caffeine or carbonated drink which could cause stomach ulcers.

Those individuals used to these unhealthy eating habits may be increasing their risk factor for a medical condition such as Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA). Although some risk factors such as advancing age and family history cannot be changed, some are manageable such as stress, high fat diet, drug or alcohol abuse and cigarette smoking. These behaviors should be controlled or avoided by the individual concerned so as to minimize the risk of SCA. To know more about SCA and its risk factors, warning signs such as heart attack symptoms, and treatment, informational videos can browsed at presented by St. Jude Medical. Their site offers simple to understand and extensive information on Sudden Cardiac Arrest.

Being responsible for our health means including more nutritious veggies and fruits in our diet, keeping an active lifestyle, getting a good night’s sleep and learning from the experts on food nutrition and healthy living.

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