Healthy coffee?

I have been a coffee lover for a long time in my life, which almost became an addiction when I was taking up my graduate studies. Coffee suited me as I needed long hours of doing research or plain studying the difficult subjects that we had. I have stopped drinking this once-favorite though as it affected my health. I would have long hours of severe head pain, which just vanished when I heeded the many advices I got to stop my coffee “addiction”.

So it is interesting for me when I chanced upon the term “healthy coffee break” offered by Dr. Hoover with gano coffee. Browsing through his site, I learned about the ingredients in gano coffee – the Reishi mushrooms, which is beneficial to health, instead of caffeine (specified to be the villain in coffee). Each cup of gano coffee has more than 150 different antioxidants, with the Reishi mushrooms known to improve the body’s PH. Some clients claimed to have an increase in energy, stamina, improved sleep and other positive effects. This healthy coffee is an alternative to regular caffeinated coffees which usually are acidic and cause dehydration.

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