Health information sites

I’m no expert when it comes to the world of medical terms, and that’s understandable since I took a different field of study. But when my Mom got hospitalized twice, I was suddenly bombarded with an avalanche of medical words that left me so confused. Thanks to my cousin who’s a nurse, she really helped a lot in explaining about some of those weird terms and those medicines with Greek-sounding names. Since then, I tried to familiarize myself with medical terms such as seizure, hypertension, and even some new ones like hyponatremia.

After Mom’s scheduled visits to the doctor, I would browse the web for more details on the medicines being prescribed. Then I would browse on health information sites which had truly been a big help for me in understanding more of my Mom’s sickness. I would spend hours reading lots of topics ranging from health and fitness, to skin care and eating healthy.

Anyway, I chanced upon a new website which aims to provide resources for medical health information. One of its articles ‘Tips To Lose Weight’ is quite helpful for those weight-conscious individuals. There are other interesting articles posted like having a LASIK eye surgery, depression treatments and even health insurance plans. There’s a link to recently viewed items which is a good reminder for readers and a list of popular articles or hot topics. The site design still needs a lot of improvement though, more categories are needed and it would create more impact with visually enhanced pages.

3 thoughts on “Health information sites”

  1. I should have been in medical fields like five of my sisters because after being in and out of hospital visits plus specialist and a regular check ups with family and specialists I have learned a lot about medications, diet, and illnesses that sometimes both my sis and her hubby who are mds are surprised when it comes to medications. lets just say, i’m a walking drugstores, too many rx drugs everyday…

  2. y won’t believe it, but i graduated with a degree in BA medical technology, wanted to be a doctor, but landed with an MD (marriage degree), and only when i was 48 years old did i get my mba.
    anyway, it is always good to understand our/family’s illnesses, but of course, it is best to be under a doctor’s supervision for more serious cases.

  3. Vic: actually, i also wanted to be a doctor, that’s one of my options when i thought of what course to take up in college. being in a family of engineers, i was kinda influenced to become one…and no regrets.
    Sexy mom: yes, it is good that we also research on our family’s illnesses other than what the doctors tells us… they are not right all the time. it’s not good to always depend on them for all health information, we also have to do our part.

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