Has anything changed in my life because of blogging?

None at all!!!

Okey, I must admit when I started blogging last year, I wasn’t thinking where this would lead me, all I wanted was just an avenue to write out my thoughts and share it online, whether it will be read or not. And looking back, I could say, blogging has indeed changed and affected my life in some ways. So, when Snglguy tagged me with a meme about listing 5 things that happened because of blogging, I immediately thought of what I gained and learned because of taking up a home in the blogosphere. Here are some of them:

1. I gained some ‘blogsy’ habits. I used to frequent chatrooms a lot, now I spend more hours blogging and reading blogs. And nowadays I check my blog first before I open my e-mail.

2. I became more open-minded to other people’s beliefs, ideas and opinions. As what I have mentioned when I was still new to the blogosphere, “I am seeing the lives of different people from all over the globe… in a more personal way.” I also realized that there are so many talented writers out there, some of their posts are way better than what you read in magazines or newspapers, it gives me that feeling of admiration to read blogs like these but as the saying goes, ‘too many blogs, so little time.’

3. I was able to meet and build friendships with some GREAT (interesting, smart, funny, wonderful) persons in the blogosphere and I learned a lot from. They’re technically called blogmates but I call them my ‘blogsy friends’.

4. I learned some more Internet stuff  – participating in memes (such as this), finding out what’s a PR (page rank), discovering how important a site statistics counter is (thanks to sitemeter), subscribing to RSS feeds, and the list goes on and on.

5. I got paid for writing some posts. It was a challenge for me to be able to insert the ad links in the content and still maintain my blog’s personal theme. (By the way, if you’re interested about earning through your blogs, especially if you have a high page rank, just email me at ideasnpink@gmail.com)

Now I’m tagging 5 lucky blogsy friends to do this meme (hehe, parang raffle draw…):

1. Bea – beatriz.i.ph
2. Jef – jefisthinkingaloud.blogspot.com
3. Raine – floraine.i.ph
4. Rey – reybronx.blogspot.com
5. Tin-tin – prettytin.blogspot.com

I know lots of things happened to you because of blogging, care to share some of them??? Happy weekend everyone!

10 thoughts on “Has anything changed in my life because of blogging?”

  1. waaah!!!
    was supposed to comment sa prior post na i’m thankful di ako kasama. but i deleted it coz baka you’ll have an idea of including me. huhuhu.
    carey, how would you earn from blogging? pwede kaya ako? 🙂

  2. Glad to read that you’ve finally found time to do this meme. Thanks for being a sport, Carey. 🙂
    That #5 is certainly very interesting. My page rank is 4, would that qualify? hehehe 😀

  3. Jef: Thanks, I’m sure you’ll enjoy doing it and I’m very sure your list would be interesting. 🙂
    Tin-tin: You were really on my mind for the memes I had to do for this week, I tagged you in this second one coz I know you have lots to share to us about what happened because of your being a blogger. 🙂
    Snglguy: You’re welcome and thanks also for the tag! I didn’t include the other bloopers na lang, like forgetting I was cooking something and burning the food (a bit lang naman) as a result because I was busy reading blogs, hehehe…
    Tin-tin and Snglguy: Sure thing, pwede talaga. You both have a page rank = 4. A minimum PR of 1 is required, pero a higher PR means higher pay outs. You can leave your email here. I’ll give you infos about it… or you can e-mail me first, para makuha ko addy ninyo. You will just be given some links to post, then once you complete the set, you will be sent the payments on your bank or thru Western Union. More details sa email na lang.
    Anybody else interested? Just email me at ideasnpink@gmail.com, I’ll be glad to help you out. 🙂

  4. that’s the generic idea – we all have gained new friends in the blogosphere (my new found gems).
    and thanks for sharing the idea – earning while writing.

  5. Sexy mom: yep, my blogging experience is never fun without my blogsy friends 🙂 thanks for gracing my site!
    btw, already replied to your email…

  6. hey yah! blogging certainly has changed our lives. cge i’ll do the meme for sure. was out of town last week so you’ve just given me something to blog about.thanks 🙂

  7. hey, carey, sure i’ll do the meme soon. i got paid, too. thanks to you and the owner of the blue apron hehehe. been so busy so i have yet to email b2p for my next writing assignment. sana mabigyan uli ako 😉

  8. Raine: that’s what I like about you, you don’t say no to memes! he he…
    Bea: yes, your posts with the ads were amusing, i enjoyed reading them. 🙂 better ask b2p again, sana hindi limited ang service ng paypal dito sa pinas ano, para $ na rin ang payments natin. sigh.

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