My bedroom used to be cozy and pleasant to the eyes. Now it’s crowded with two drafting tables inside and papers and drawings and blueprints all over. Well, I can’t even keep them yet coz I am still working on them. Even some books are cluttered on the shelves. That’s what I get when I’m working on a project – my room has become a temporary office. Sometimes it gives me a headache to see disorganized things… but, well, I have to live with it. How I wish we can start with the construction of an office in the garage area, so I can transfer all these stuff there, and especially the tables which have become quite a bother to me, sigh… but that’s just wishful thinking, still no budget for that yet.
That was my unspoken complaint for weeks already, until recently my Mom and I had a conversation about what one of our visitors said about my room. She happened to go inside because she had to try on some clothes. You know what she told Mom? That she really liked my pink room… I dunno how she was able to admire it amidst all the “mess”! The comment was actually more like a wish for her own bedroom. Maybe because they’re just living in a shanty…
Then a sudden thought gave me a strange weird feeling… and it stayed on my mind for the rest of the day: I am already living in reality somebody else’s dream…
Ironic, isn’t it? Sometimes, the things we possess, we take for granted… and we don’t even realize how others are actually wishing and longing for what we already have.
You bet, I am not complaining anymore… I’ve not only learned to live with the “mess”, but even learned to love it, they’re actually necessary! It means I have a project to work on – thank God! The disarray will be cleared up anyway when I’m through.
humbling isn't it? how we sometimes complain that we don't have enough shoes when some people dont even have feet.
Nice entry. 🙂
I am already living in reality somebody else’s dream…
Tama ka! That's why we should perceive our life in a half full glass…We don't realize that what we have, who we have and what we are are someone elses wishes.
Great post! 🙂
Everytime, I go on an extended vacation, one of my sis, will re-arrange and tidy up my room, and I just don't feel like living in it for a while, but after a week, back to the same old same, with just enough room to tip-toe to the bed and do some leaning there and here to reach for something, the way i like it. some like it cozy and tidy and organize, some like it like a jungle..mine is not colour pink but still like it messy.
yes so true how we keep many things for granted and one thing we can do is juts be grateful for all the things we have. about the walk on the ocean, i have it on cd at home.i was trying to find it but i guess my room is messier than yours hahaha will send it once i find it 🙂
wow! thank you for reminding me that. we really should be thankful of even the small stuff. even when we have problems, coz our problems could be nothing compared to the problems of other people
Hmm, I would really love living someone else's dream for once.
Just dropped by to say hi and that my line is back. 🙂
*sigh* just the reminder i need for this day. thanks for sharing!
having your own bedroom is already a great blessing! dang! i miss mine na & the convenience of having my own bathroom. bisitahi sad usahay ako room yo, basin naay mupuyo nga di ingon nato. 😛
fencesitter: yes, so humbling indeed! 🙂 thanks for dropping by!
jef: realizations like these always puts us on the right track.
thanks for the appreciation. 🙂
vic: hehe… i know guys don't mind messy rooms, i can just imagine my bro's room. as long as there's something to sleep on, that's fine with him na. 🙂
raine: your room messier than mine? i don't think so! wanna bet? hehehe…
looking forward to the song! thanks in advance. *muah*
tin-tin: you're welcome… oo nga, we should have that attitude of gratefulness even for the little things.
snglguy: you're back! 😀
you don't know it but you're actually living one of my dreams… to have my own domain. see?? 🙂
bea: you're welcome! 😀
sis: don't worry, i just slept in your room recently to avoid the loud blaring noise of our neighbors… that means new sheets. 🙂 and Dad is always checking on your room when he wakes up and before he goes to bed. LOL
to fencesitter, jef and vic:
don't forget to put http:// on your urls so your links would appear here in the comments section… unless you don't want to. 🙂
to everybody who commented on this post: my replies are kinda delayed. been sick since Sunday. just dropped by to check on this blog, and just reading your comments make me feel much much better. thanks! *muah*
Hehe, you can have your own domain anytime if you want to. Hope you feel better..
hope you're feeling better now 🙂
snglguy: nope, i can't for now… so it remains a 'dream'.
i'm feeling better now! 🙂
tin-tin: thanks, I'm OK now. i'm glad to be up and about. thank God. 🙂