Guitar enthusiasts

If you’re into music, it’s likely that you play at least one musical instrument. And if you’re into playing the guitar, then I bet you own at least one (or maybe using your roommate’s). If your parents or siblings are music enthusiasts, it’s probable that you will be influenced as well.

In our family, when we were still kids, we had guitars of all sizes – an ukelele, a medium one which I personally liked since it fitted my small arms, and a big one. My parents also bought a bamboo xylophone known as the marimba and hired a tutor to teach me personally. I don’t know why they chose me, instead of my other siblings, to learn the weird native instrument. LOL.

I tried learning it at first, but got bored or lost interest after few tries. Maybe if it was a Gibson les paul studio guitar with a private tutor, I could have been more attentive. Haha… it’s costly though but packed with power features and it’s now on sale at half the original price. Huhuhu… it’s dreaming time again!

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