Gift-giving 2016

My mom is one busy happy Mother Bee every Christmas season. Aside from the usual gifts for our friends and relatives, she also has her own gift-giving project for about fifty (50) nanays (mothers) from the informal settlers community living nearby. We have it annually during the Feast of the Epiphany or more popularly known as the Feast of the Three Kings (the proper term should be ‘wise men’ instead of kings). The said feast is every first Sunday of the year, so we had it last January 3.

There were about fifty mothers who came and enjoyed the simple event, bringing home their gifts afterwards, which contained a kilo of rice, noodles and canned meat. It’s not really that much I know, but it’s the most we can humbly afford from our budget. The mothers appreciate it, even if what they got were not really big and heavy bags, it already means a lot to them. Thank God, we had a friend who offered to donate noodles to add to the given bags. We also gave out snacks and had some raffled gifts just for fun. The mothers sang Christmas songs as well. I hope next year we will have more donors to add more basic household supplies to their bring-home bags.

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  1. Pingback: Thank you, thank you, ang babait ninyo* | Ideas N Pink

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