
Getting used to a different time zone

After arriving here in Prague last Saturday evening, my schedule has been a bit hectic and I had little time catching up with sleep. The next day was a Sunday so we attended Mass at the famous Church of the Infant Jesus. It so happened that there was a small Filipino gathering and party within the Church’s compound to celebrate our country’s Independence Day last June 12. We were sleepy and tired but nevertheless we enjoyed the festivities and of course the food which included Filipino delicacies as well.

Then on Monday, I went to the Czech Police (maybe an office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?) for a personal appearance as required by their law for tourists. And today, we were treated to a walking tour of Prague’s religious buildings, the Strahovsky Monastery and the Loreta Pilgrimage site.

I still haven’t adjusted biologically to Prague’s local time. My tummy grumbles early at dawn and usually wakes me up. Then I feel sleepy on late afternoons. The five hours time difference really affects my biological clock. Anyway, mom says the body easily adapts to its environment over time.

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