For soap addicts

Are you fond of soaps? Not the bubble-producing thing you use for washing, but the thing you watch on TV that can make you cry buckets of tears or make somebody emotionally charged or even passionately angry. I know some friends who would not want to miss their favorite soaps, they would even reschedule some dates.

Anyway, for those who are soap enthusiasts, you might also become addicted with this new site, which is dedicated to popular shows like the NBC Soap Operas. They have lots of information on each featured program with a home page that includes links to daily updates, news room, message boards, cast list, picture gallery and FAQ. There are even links to spoilers in case the show’s fans can’t wait to see what’s going to be next.

The daily updates section also lets one browse through the archives in case an episode was missed. Interaction among those following the show can be read in the message boards which has topics about their favorite characters, the show’s plot – anything goes. It is quite an informative site, though I think a video clip of some highlights from the show would make it more interesting.

4 thoughts on “For soap addicts”

  1. nope, now I spend my time watching old and new 007 films I downloaded “free” from file sharing, some I missed on theatre (never been to the theatre for more than 2 decades now) and some to refresh. I also downloaded a bunch of animation movies, and I got addicted to them. from bambi to even the fat lazy Garfield. more fun than soaps…

  2. Vic: uy, just like my big sis, she bought a set of 007 films to the delight of my dad when we visited their home. anyway, yeah… most guys hate soaps. me, i sometimes indulge myself for curiousity’s sake, but i don’t follow the plot, i don’t want to be addicted to tv shows, soaps are designed to keep viewers glued to the show. i prefer to blog than to watch the tv anyway.

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