For pet lovers

For pet and animal lovers, or anybody who just needs a break from surfing about serious stuff in the Internet, here’s a site where you can read stories, jokes, trivia, photos and watch videos of funny and amusing dogs, cats, birds, horses and other pets. Readers can send some funny animal pictures and videos at pethumor dot com and the cutest or funniest gets to be featured on the site.

There is one cute and amusing photo which caught my interest, a dog fondly carrying a kitten with its jaws. Nope, I don’t think he is having the cat for a meal! Oh well, cats and dogs can live peacefully after all.

3 thoughts on “For pet lovers”

  1. i do think that he is having the cat for a meal! without the caption it looks like the big bad dog first knocked the poor kitty unconscious then nabbed it by the collar and carried it somewhere safe where he could do the deed w/o any witness LOLS

  2. Raine: do you think that kitty is already dead? yikes… 😀
    Sexy mom: yup, our dog here wants to play with a visiting cat, though he tends to play too much, the poor cat would get annoyed and would hiss at him sometimes.

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