For my fairy godmother

I’ve mentioned in my previous post about my dream phone, but after browsing some more on the web and doing a bit of ‘research’ on THE ultimate dream phone for me, and considering the comments of my dear readers (yes, thank you very much), I am considering other options as well.

I must admit I wasn’t that careful with the digital camera resolution, and to think that the reason why I am not a big fan of camera phones is because of the resolution when they first came out – most of them are below the minimum quality for digital pictures which is 2 megapixels.

So there, my phone has to have at least 2 megapixels for the digital camera aside from having a music player, a camcorder (though this is not that important for me), it should be slim (not necessarily too small since it would be difficult to handle) and it has to be pink.  🙂

OK, I just described the details here in case my fairy godmother finally reads this blog, LOL.

3 thoughts on “For my fairy godmother”

  1. I’m not taking my provider offer. I checked it out and it’s not unusual, just a normal offer to all who would like to sign for a new contract. Just put my phone in silent mode and call back the missed calls later. If emergency they can always call the home phone or text, the text is still not hacked. I don’t like using the phone camera because of low pixels too. My compact digcam is just as small as cell phone and it has a 7.l mp. If I want to really take really professional looking pics, I still have an old film camera on the ready…

  2. Vic: yup, better use the digicam if you want to take high resolution photos. leave the camphone for blogging photo ops (hello snglguy). hehe…
    Snglguy: LOL. i don’t want to wish that hard, my brains might burst. heheheh…. thank you fairy godmother, you are so ‘helpful’ indeed! 😀

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