Finally… an RSS reader for me

After my recent dilemma on which RSS feed reader works best for me, I have finally decided which one to use! 🙂

And the winner is…

<insert drumrolls here>

<insert applause here>

It’s simple and easy to use, it goes with my Google mail account and since it’s web-based, I can access it anywhere.  🙂

Thanks for all the comments and suggestions:

:: Sweetperceptions – thanks for the tip! I like the expanded and list views option too. I still have to try the star rating and sharing tool though.

:: Raine – I found the link you gave me so helpful – the author suggested two readers for his feed: Google Reader or Bloglines. Since I’m using Google mail, I opted for the former. 

:: Gelo – thanks for the info on KlipFolio, I have it installed in my PC and I find the other klips (weather, cpu and memory usage, Google search) useful but not for its feed viewer klip since it’s not web-based and only lists the title of the posts (no summary).

Anyway, it really depends on what works for us. Now I’m happily adding my fave feeds… time to lurk more blogs! 😉

4 thoughts on “Finally… an RSS reader for me”

  1. Hey… Feed Klips show summaries. You have to mouse-over the titles of the articles though. The summary appears as a screentip. glad you found yours.

  2. Hi Gelo! yup, i discovered that one this morning, (i edited this in my post already), thanks for pointing that one out.
    though i have to say that KlipFolio’s RSS viewer is updated faster than Google Reader. i guess that’s the advantage of not being a web-based application. i might use this to track some very important blogs though.
    anyway, thanks for the tip! 🙂

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