Dreaming of a pink phone

My birthday is still a long way to go, and Christmas has just ended. So I’m kinda racking my brains on how I can have my dream phone, a multimedia-camera phone, as a gift.

Blame it on my recent trip to a cellular provider’s business center at a mall. I am currently using prepaid cards for my phone and was just curious about their postpaid plans. I used to be a postpaid subscriber myself when I worked for a telecoms firm before but gave up my account after I resigned. Well, I love the flexibility a prepaid account brings, with my current freelance projects, there are some days I don’t use the phone that much.

Anyway, after browsing their postpaid plans, I was drooling over those high-end phones that come with the higher priced plans. I noticed you have to pay an additional fee if you want a high-end phone for a lesser priced plan. Hmmm… not really good cell phone deals for me, but well, that’s understandable. I am still considering the option though and the lure to have a high-end phone is still there… why can’t somebody just give me my dream phone for being a good girl? Hehe…

Anyway, I found some hot cell phone deals online from the US-based Wirefly.com – yes, the phones come in free with a postpaid plan, and yes, they really are high-end phones – the likes of BlackBerry Pearl, Motorola RAZR, Sony Ericsson W300i and lots more. These phones are included in a subscription with a mobile carrier such as T-mobile or Cingular.

I can’t help but sigh when I saw this cute phone included in the list of their hot deals.

The Motorola RAZR V3m Pink (Multimedia Phone) is my dream phone – it is super slim, has a 1.3 megapixel digital camera, a music player, expandable memory card slot, camcorder and most of all, it’s pink! With a phone like this only for free when you sign up with Verizon Wireless, it sure is one good cell phone deal.

Their top ten free phones include the Sony Ericsson W300, T-Mobile Black RAZR, Motorola Pink RAZR, Black Sanyo Katana, Silver Moto RAZR, Samsung T629 and LG Chocolate among others. Most of them come with free Bluetooth headset.  Delivery via Fed Ex is within 2 days and again it is free.

I bet mobile phone fans in the US would not let these too-good-to-be true deals pass them by. If these sort of deals would be available in our local cell phone retailers, they would definitely make an indecisive buyer like me think twice and get hold of that cute pink RAZR.

7 thoughts on “Dreaming of a pink phone”

  1. They have a swarovski edition of that here in germany now.. or at least my colleague has something similar and she said it is the swarovski version. it has stones on the side and it looks great too.
    sana magka totoo ang wish mo… hehehe. good luck!

  2. i’m a solid SE user but that Motorola cell is really tempting esp. coz it’s pink..anyways i bet before the year ends you’ll get the phone 😉

  3. Those are only good deals for those with regular income, because it usually comes with minimum two years contract. But for those elemetary kids with not so well-to-do parents, virgin phones of Birtain just come into North American Market with all kinds of plans, some the same as in P.I.
    I myself regretted for getting the top of the line of Samsung with a two years contract and still pay some $200 and seldom use its hundred of features and some telemarketing spammer hacked into it with its regular nuisance call and now the provider is willing to give me another $200 credit for a new phone on any planand replace the numbers.
    Believe me,even with stiff competitions, they always get our weaker side, I mean making us take more than we need.

  4. You should see the new Motorola clamshell phone that I saw the other day at a dealer. It’s almost half the width of the V3 RAZR and it has a 2 megapixel cam to boot. Now how’s that for small? 🙂

  5. haha its funny. i was supposed to make a post about my dream phone to, which i wanted to have this coming april. and its a moto as well!
    i want to have the moto v3x!

  6. The thing about cellphones in the US is that you can’t use them outside the US. I’ve had to get a cellphone from the internet that sells international phones. that way, i just put in the sim card from my carrier and then replace it with globe or smart when i go to the philippines. although i had a cousin who bought a razor from the US and then had it “worked on” in the Philippines so it would work there. 😉 but if you’re looking for a phone, i’d say go for a nokia. i hear they’re the most environmentally-friendly phone according to greenpeace. I’m sure they have pink phones, too. 🙂

  7. missP: for me, a swarovski on my phone would be too much, but hey, if it’s a dream phone then why not be fashionable? 😉
    yup, sana nga… and thanks for dropping by!
    Raine: haven’t tried using SE yet but my Auntie is and she finds it more user-friendly than a Nokia.
    …and about me getting the phone before the year ends, hmmmm let’s see…miracles do happen, so i hope your bet would become real. 🙂
    Vic: yes, one should not act on impulse when getting these deals, they do come with requirements for eligibility and the two year contract is one of them.
    too bad you were not satisfied with your phone contract, tsk tsk… those telemarketing spammers are really nuts. so, are you planning to accept your provider’s offer for a new phone?
    Snglguy: arghh.. I forgot all about the minimum resolution for quality digital pictures, it IS 2 megapixels, right? so, that pink razr is not really my dream phone after all… i don’t really like small phones, they might slip through my hands or easily get lost. hehe…
    Shane: hehehe, sure, why not write about it. I felt good after writing about it… I don’t know why. 🙂
    “i want to have the moto v3x!” <--- yeahhh... 😀 post it on your blog when you finally have it, okey? and welcome back Shane... Wil: Yup, even phones in Thailand are locked by the provider, but we always have them unlocked easily. Though some phones sold there are open-line units (we make sure about this from the store) which can accept Smart or Globe sim cards when used here. Thanks for the greenpeace info on the Nokia, actually I've been a Nokia user ever since. Let's see, hehe...

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