Dreaming about a cam

Nikon D80

I love taking pictures. I love visiting photo blogs and I appreciate the featured photos. The thought of buying an SLR and going into photography sometimes crosses my mind too. Sigh. I wonder when can I have my own digital SLR cam? Anyway, if I do decide on that later (of course, when I have the budget) it would be a process of doing research and surfing the net for information and reviews from users and the experts. Getting a digital SLR is a big thing for me, so it’s usually my habit to do a lot of comparison when buying high-tech pricey products. Let’s see what happens within this year… if my fairy godmother will wave her magic wand to make my wish come true!

3 thoughts on “Dreaming about a cam”

  1. Pingback: Dreaming about a cam | surfgearcentral.com

  2. if it’s ok for you to have 2nd hand cam… i’m giving you my D40x when you come here =) but if u choose to buy brand new, it is still ok with me… hehehehe

  3. Leen: reallyyyy… you’re giving me your SLR? I thought you’re selling it? Anyway, I would gladly receive it with open hands (hehehe…) but of course I have to fly to Thailand to get it there. I wonder when would that be?

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