Do I need an auto loan right now?

Last night, at the mall, we met some good ol’ friends, a couple whom we have met via the web since they used to manage an internet café like we did. Anyway, the guy commented that our van is too big for just the three of us, adding that its size makes it more difficult to drive around than other vehicle types. He jokingly suggested that we buy a car, to which I laughingly told him that we still have no budget for that.

The thing is, we have been really wishing (and praying) for a car. No, we don’t have any complaints about our trusty van, but it’s nice to drive around in a smaller vehicle if we don’t expect a lot of passengers on a certain trip. We’ve actually contemplated on buying some used cars and getting an auto loan, but other priorities came up and the plan was forgotten. Now that our friend brought it up, I wonder if it’s high time for us to plan about it again. I’m not that positive about it though considering the current financial crisis the country is facing nowadays.

For those who think that having a vehicle (or an extra one) would be important for work or family purposes, financial options such as car loans can be considered especially if their present funds are low. Companies such as provide financing for those who need personal loans with their fast processing of loan approvals and are available nationwide in the US. They also offer credit card debt consolidation and other financing services. When getting a personal loan, one should think twice about it, if it’s really a need and not just some urge to fill some unnecessary wants.

5 thoughts on “Do I need an auto loan right now?”

  1. Mom:

    Thanks! I really need to change my previous template which took up a lot of screen real estate… finally, a new one for me! 🙂

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