Diligent piano student

My niece finally completed her piano lessons during their vacation here last June. She was such a diligent student. When she came home from her first tutorial session, she immediately practiced until it was already late in the evening. From simple and basic piano pieces, she persevered with learning how to play them despite some mistakes here and there. Finally, it was such a joy to listen to her playing the Titanic movie theme song. My mom, a frustrated piano student, was so inspired to learn as well, after seeing how my niece progressed from literally groping with the keys to beautifully playing a whole piece.

Of course, who would be most proud and happy about my niece’s wonderful progress but her parents, particularly the dad who bought her a new electric piano. There are so many digital pianos, synthesizers and keyboards one can browse online at https://www.guitarcenter.com. If you are lucky enough, you can even get one at a discounted price. It is best to choose wisely though when you are buying online, i.e. consider items with high ratings and good customer reviews. For my niece’s new piano, I wonder how much it cost her dad, but it sure is worth it, considering how she is so determined to learning the instrument.

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