Daydreaming musician

With the Christmas holidays almost here, there are so many tasks coming up as well. I wish I can just tick them off my To Do list easily but everything depends on time and the persons involved. Sigh. Just few weeks ago, we had some relaxing time off at a mountain resort, but nowadays, a lot of catching up needs to be done.

Anyway, I am handling these tasks one at a time and hopefully will have some personal time for my favorite hobbies like learning to play the keyboards! Awww… of course, I am dreaming my happy self playing some really nice korg triton le instrument and making unique and fresh tones and sound effects. I guess I am simply inspired by my niece who learned playing the piano while on vacation here at such short span of time. When it comes to music and learning how to play your favorite instrument, everything is possible as long as you’re willing to be trained.

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