
Customer service update

Just want to give you an update about these three candidates on my previous report:

     Candidate No. 1 – Mom’s watch is doing fine now, no more headaches for her, and no more trips to that watch repair shop for the nth time!

     Candidate No. 2 – We already got the refund for the double payment.

     Candidate No. 3 – Got the certificate with the correct name on it. I’d like to add that the guard was very accommodating. It was lunch time when we arrived at the DTI office, and he was busy munching away, but still managed to hand me the certificate even if he can just tell me to come back during office hours.

     So, my trust is regained. There will always be frustrating situations when we cannot be serviced the way we expect it to be, and when times like these do happen, a little bit of understanding and patience is all it takes.

6 replies on “Customer service update”

There are times that sh*t happens. But there will also be a time when these sh*ts are flushed down and then everything will be fine-smelling once again. I hope I'm making some sense here. Hehehe.

@ric: LOL! Wow, such profound analogy there!

@tin-tin: Yes, and once a customer is satisfied, expect him to keep coming back for more…making him a good advertiser too.

@dazeee: Mao gyud! OK na tanan. =)

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