Contact lens or eyeglasses, which do you prefer?

Ever since my love affair with my contact lenses started, I had to adjust my daily routine with few minutes of putting on a pair of these tiny secret eyeglasses inside my eyes. This practice has eventually become easier with time that I don’t even need a mirror to accurately position one tiny circle of glass right into my eye. I know some would prefer to put on one of those stylish frames from mens and womens eyewear shops than inserting a foreign object into their eyes, i.e. a pair of lenses. They simply don’t have the patience to go through such a meticulous method of cleaning, rinsing and storing a pair of contacts every single day.

Incorporating the habit of putting on a pair of lens into my schedule can often be a challenge though especially if some speck of dirt gets in the way during the process and my eyes would hurt oh so bad. Ugh. When this happens, it takes more time than the usual, eating up a lot of those precious minutes allocated in preparing for the day’s activities. But personally, I would rather go through the discomfort of putting on my contacts rather than having to carry some bulky contraption of eye frame on my face.

How about you? Would you prefer wearing a pair of contact lenses or would you rather don some eyeglasses?

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