Condo security concerns

One of our home improvement tasks for a recently conducted condo maintenance check was replacing the main door lock with a better and secure one. We know that the entry point is the main security concern for condominiums. With so many tenants that come and go using the same main door key, there’s the possibility of key duplication and unauthorized break-ins in the future. The safest would be to install an electronic lock but this would cost much for the owner.

Nothing beats having a safe and secure home or office environment equipped with the latest security products. Nowadays there are many innovative options for securing one’s home and office such as durable safes or CCTV systems from

Anyway, it’s good that we found an affordable alternative for a safe main door lock for the condo while checking out the nearby hardware store; key duplication can only be done after showing proof of ownership and the official receipt of purchase for the door lock. The special key is also difficult to duplicate with its many “teeth” which most instant key duplicating shops cannot copy.

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