Life Personal Management

Warning! Do not delay! : Lessons in Time Management for goal-driven fanatics

It’s past twelve noon. It’s almost time to go. I thought impatiently as I looked at the wall clock. Oh well, actually, it is time to go. We’re on our way to attend a burial and the funeral Mass will be starting at one o’clock. How long does it take to go to our destination? […]

Featured Life

The irony of sunsets

I love watching sunsets. It gives me such a strange warm feeling when I’m enjoying this breathtaking view of the sun’s setting down with its unusual mixture of hues. You can never experience the same sunset day after day, it is always a different unique show at dusk. And even though I’d always want to […]



It’s difficult to decide on a life-changing issue, isn’t it? But what made it even worse for me was that it involved a long-time dream and I had to think about it and weigh things over for only a short period of time. I had to make a decision within two days only. Sigh. I […]


At the crossroads

     What to decide?      So many options.      What motivates me?  Fear, greed, pride, anger, desire, love, faith?      Am I afraid to fail if I start something new?      Am I afraid to make mistakes?      What is my priority in life?  What are my first things?      What are the relationships that […]


Home alone

Well, not really alone… it was just me and my cutie sis left here at home for about a week. Since last Wednesday, Mom and Dad were out of town. They went to Mindanao, to be exact. Naturally, we don’t want the neighbors to know it’s just the two of us left, otherwise it would […]


I’m angry, you’re angry…

It was one of those days when I got up and everything just seemed to be real bad. Did I wake up on the wrong side of my bed? I don’t know. It was a stressful month for the family I guess. We were so excited yet very pressured because all my siblings and their […]


Typical conversation at home

Exchange of ideas, stories and anecdotes at home usually vary from the silliest showbiz gossips, to highly technical theories, spiritual beliefs, and political issues… whatever. You could hear Mom and my cutie sis talking so seriously in the kitchen, and guess what the topic was?!… our doggie! hehe…We are a family that talks to each other. During lunch […]