
Just counting…

Days pass me by like a blur when I am busy with life, but they seemed like forever when I am waiting for things I hoped for. Keeping track of time, counting the days and months, made me feel… A little pleased with myself – ‘cause I was able to keep up with my daily […]

Life Personal Management

Purpose driven me

Yesterday I was at National Bookstore to inquire about the availability of a reference book which I badly needed… and guess what, they’re having a sale – it was a bookworm’s dream come true! You wish you could have all that cash to buy the books you’ve wanted to get your hands on. They have […]

Life Personal Management


What are the things you know you should do – things that would make you a better person, things that would help build your relationship with others, things that would greatly improve your career, things that would dramatically change your life… and yet you have been putting them off for the longest time? It’s like […]

Life Simply Me

We grow by our questions

If you will be asked these simple questions, what would you answer? I’m sharing my own responses in pink: What are the 3 things that scare me? Earthquakes / Accidents / Cockroaches and other yucky pests Who are the 3 people who can make me laugh? Bitoy aka Micheal V. (yari ka!!!) / Gollum aka […]



Strange word, isn’t it? I came across this odd sounding word from Chin-Ning Chu’s bestseller Thick Face Black Heart, a book I recently finished reading after having it on my bedside table for months already. (Yipeee… kudos for me.) I’m the type of reader who doesn’t consume the whole book before starting to read a […]

Art Life

The happiest people are the smartest ones too

Yesterday I posted an entry about leaky ceilings, and… guess what? I got this cute illustration on my e-mail inbox today: LOL, another leaky ceiling reminder! It’s not a very reasonable piece of art though if you look at it more than once. Notice the kids all look like they’re of the same age, except […]


“Well, it was raining when I woke up this morning…

…So, to escape it, I went back to bed But then the rain started leaking through the ceiling And pretty soon it was pouring on my head. Whoa… the lyrics got me! It made me smile. It’s the first time I heard this song ‘The End’ by Matthew West playing on my Yahoo! Launchcast Radio […]