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Going low carb and lovin’ it!

Chopped carrots and cucumbers with a bit of Lady’s Choice sandwich spread topped with bits of cheese cubes and fish fillet. They’re my tummy friends these days, keeping me away from rice, bread and other high carb dishes. I’m now on my 10th day of...
For the health-conscious folks

For the health-conscious folks

Most of people nowadays are health conscious as never before. The awareness of the public on things natural and raw, when it comes to veggies and fruits, has heightened; and with this follows their awareness of the contents of products being offered in the market...


Are you into active sports activities and outdoor recreation? Do you hit the gym at least twice a week and engage in sports tournaments? I find it quite admirable to see some folks out there who are very much into anything athletic. Personally, this is what I need to...
About nutritional requirements

About nutritional requirements

Many years ago, our family dealt with the hospitalization of my mom. It was such a difficult phase we went through as my mom experienced so much pain and discomfort, she was also subjected to a lot of medical tests and she was really sick. The cause, lack of...
For the health-conscious folks

Healthy eating goals vs. weight loss goals

I’ve read an article from the Reader’s Digest about a couple who were successful with their weight loss journey, but the author (the wife) would not encourage the term ‘weight loss’ since it denotes something negative. According to her, it’s better to have healthy...