Can I clone myself 23 times? :)

I’ve been so busy lately, sometimes I thought of cloning myself 23 times and be in 23 different places all at the same time! Now that would get me 23 things done simultaneously!

Oh well, we can’t be super heroes and that’s just silly wishful thinking. I know I am blessed with my own unique abilities as a human being, but sometimes I just wish I could do so much more.

I envy those people saying they are bored and don’t know what to do with so much time in their hands. How I wish I have the time to be bored! I’d like to just catch up on reading some good books, meeting friends, getting good sleep or even baking my fave sesame buns.

Last Monday I was so stressed out I got a terrible headache and slight runny nose. Well, I had no choice but to rest, sleep early and take Biogesic (it worked!), and the next day I felt better.

Ahhh… life!

P.S. This post was inspired by Raine’s‘23 paranoia’ (though I still am clueless about it)!

7 thoughts on “Can I clone myself 23 times? :)”

  1. Awww, when you find the answer as to cloning yourself please share. I think I need it too. It won’t help the world to have 23 viruses (especially deprived overworked ones). But heck, just need it to get the job done! 😀

  2. 23 times! hahaha you would accomplish so much! hinay hinay lang yo. But by multiplying yourself 23 times, maybe you could have gotten that $2.5K opp.

  3. Virus: i wish i could! yikes, 23 viruses around…. that would be cool! and when u get ur job done, u can just go back to being one. hehhehe…

  4. Daisy: yeahhh…. sayang! we’ll see next time! i could just imagine those 10 clones sitting in different PCs trying to catch the opp, while other clones are sleeping and taking a rest, and other clones eating or whatever. 🙂

  5. cute kaayo ang imong mga clone hehehe pink jud.
    say,can we turn this 23 thingy into some kind of a meme?you only have to tag one person and he/she should post something with the number 23 hehehe hirit jud ko ba.

  6. Raine: hehehe… may na lang di akong nawng gi-clone, lisod na. basig la nay mubalik dri. 🙂
    oooh… good idea! but exempted na ko ha… coz i already did it 🙂

  7. Pingback: The ‘working late’ dilemma | Ideas N Pink

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