Calling abroad

Many years ago, I was waiting for a confirmation about a possible work abroad when suddenly my phone rang. It didn’t show any number so it must be that international call I was waiting for. I excitedly answered it and we were discussing for a few minutes when suddenly the line was cut. Argghh…he kept calling again but can’t get through, so I tried to call him back and luckily we were able to continue our conversation. Oh well, that call sure cost me a lot. But at least I got the project. I don’t always make international calls using my mobile phone. I just chat with family and friends or email them when I want to communicate with them. But there are those times when making long distance calls can be a matter of life and death, like closing an important deal or greeting your wife on your wedding anniversary (yeah it’s really that important).

And I’m thinking about those millions of OFWs (Overseas Filipino Workers) scattered all over the globe, being away from their loved ones. How do they ever go through life without hearing the voices of their wives or kids for a long time? Aren’t we all thankful for technology? 🙂

Nowadays, there are many ways to make international calls and choosing one that works for you at the most reasonable rates can be challenging. Comparing various phone card companies with different plans, fees, rates and other features can be confusing too. One can find some really good offers from such companies these days, some offering free phone calls for new members, aside from discount calling cards with reliable voice quality. Other phone card companies provide members with their own unique Personal Identification Number (PIN) and a toll-free access number. Many convenient features include auto-recharge, and easy online access to call history and billing history. These companies also offer international travel phone cards which would come in handy in case you’re going on a holiday trip to Europe. 🙂

1 thought on “Calling abroad”

  1. The same situation also happened to me. I was using skype to make a call, all of a sudden, the net went down and the conversation stopped abruptly.from then onwards i always back up with prepaid calling cards

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