Busy me

This blog will be on hiatus for few days since I will be busy with work and travel preparations.

My apologies to my blogsy friends for not visiting your sites lately and to my new visitors asking for link exchanges. I will be bloghopping, updating my link list and doing the memes once I get back to the blogosphere. 

Ciao! 🙂

10 thoughts on “Busy me”

  1. alvin: thanks!
    sweetperceptions: ok, will post some pics soon.
    lazarus: thanks! trip was fine.
    daisy: really huh? 🙂
    curacha: yup, the two most important things when travelling. last time, i lost my passport in the airport. good thing i got it from the lost and found service.
    tin-tin: sure blogsy friend!
    raine: hehe…tagged again! thanks.
    sexymom: thanks!

  2. Pingback: 15 Idiosyncrasies about me | Ideas N Pink

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