Busy and productive handyman dad

What a blessing it is indeed to have a handyman in our home. That’s no other than my dad! The past weeks had been quite tough for us because of mom’s bathroom slipping accident. And after what happened, we decided to make their bathroom more elderly-friendly with the installation of safety accessories. While we were busy taking mom to her doctor’s appointments and laboratory testing, we also took time to drop by at hardware shops for their bathroom grab bar, non-slip rubber mat, and some LED bulbs.

The wide array of hardware supply can be confusing, just imagine going over a lot of items such as tiny screws, pull knobs, floor tiles, power tools or showroom displays for kitchen and bathroom fixtures. Those weeks were such exhausting days for us, especially shopping at the hardware section of malls, walking by long aisles just to look for what we need. Thanks to our handyman dad who set up the bathroom safety accessories by himself, and now they’re properly fixed in place.

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