Business expansion

One of the big malls here has gone into business expansion by adding a new building wing at its rear section. What used to be parking spaces are now turned into more commercial areas. We had dinner at one of the newly opened restaurants there and, as expected, the new wing was filled with shoppers especially since it was during the holidays. Most of the spaces surrounding the fountain area were dining establishments. I noticed that some units were still vacant, waiting for retail tenants. I bet these available units would be great location for specialty shops, boutiques and computer stores.

Business is doing well for this mall. I commend the management for being aggressive in literally expanding their business. This marketing move immediately attracted more local shoppers to drop by, considering there’s a bigger mall in the city center. I’m just curious how they would be able to fill up the vacant retail units, although I’m sure they have a ready-made marketing plan for that before they decided on the expansion.

For some building owners, renting out their commercial units can be tough. They need to aggressively find retail tenants by marketing and advertising their spaces so they’ll have the maximum profit and faster ROI. Software such as RLTRAC provides the solution to such a challenge. With its software and database, the owner is updated about valuable information on those retailers that are expanding. This gives the owners that much needed data to fill the vacant retail spaces.

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