Featured Life

Bloom where you are planted

One dreary morning, I had this unusual conversation with nature. I was out of the house when I chanced upon a pretty sight along my way to the gate. It was one of those wayside flowers bursting in bloom.


The plant’s stems were cruelly pushed back to a concrete bench because of the dumping of sand for construction. Yet, it did not only survive the harsh elements around, it happily thrived.

I stopped in my tracks and pondered on it for quite a while. The sight was more than enough to lift up my tired and weary soul.

Sometimes  I thought  the  grass is always greener on  the other side, but it never is.  I know where I am is where God wants me to be.

13 replies on “Bloom where you are planted”

"I know where I am is where God wants me to be"
well said Carey 🙂
and about the flower, I've heard somewhere that "God laughs through flowers"

How true, we are not contented with what we have unless we will see in in hindsight that we are in the place where God wants us to be–maybe to learn things or gain wisdom.

As always, a great post 🙂

raine: Hmmm…it's the first time I've heard that quote, but there's truth to it – His presence is revealed in nature.
Are you also familiar with the saying that "raindrops are the tears of God from heaven"? 😀

jun: Salamat! your posts are great too. 😀

tin-tin: blooming ka yata these days! hehe… 😉

snglguy: I'm sure you are where you're meant to be – I see you as somebody who's actually thriving, coz you're a good person and I know you have touched other people's lives even if you're having probs, di ba?
cheers! 😀

jef: Yes, we always learn something from difficult circumstances and in the process we become better persons.
as always? i don't think so. thanks anyway! 😀

yoeee: yup, kahibaw ko magbloom gyud ka diha! let's see you take the place by storm, hala…

raine: yup, i do agree with you, anyway it's just a saying.
i know somebody who's also happy when it rains. 😀

contentment and making the most of what you got in each situation that you are in is quite a feat, carey. hansalut ko nimo!

Rey: it's not always that i feel contented Rey, sometimes i just feel like i'm in a rut. but it helps to know my own 'green grass' is just right for me. 🙂

A Little Wayside Flower
A little wayside flower
by the meadows threshold grew,
behind a mighty oak tree
that forever blocked her view…
And sometimes, in the shade there,
she would dream of meadow bright –
sunshine spilled from open skies
warm and golden light…
She could not, for the life of her
see any reason why
her place should not have been out there,
beneath the violet skies…
So cry, she would, from time to time,
“My talents, here, are lost!
How can I be of consequence?
my friends toadstools and moss…”
But Gods great plan eluded her,
and from His timeless throne,
He places each with His own hand,
for reasons of His own…
Of tempests, and of furies,
there was nothing that she knew,
protected as she was
at the wayside, thus removed…
Of wind, and hail, and thrashing storms
she mercifully was spared,
behind this mighty oak tree
at the wayside, in Gods care…
His grand, all knowing purpose
escapes our mortal thoughts –
He knows our strengths and weaknesses
and who should share our lots…
Be they moss, or toadstools,
or any lesser things,
all those He places near us
need what gifts we bring…
We are for all who love us,
and all whom we may love…
Our placement the intention,
and the will of God above…
We cannot guess our worth,
not in silver, not in gold,
to those He places near us,
whose hearts and hands we hold…
So, little wayside flowers,
Gods children, one and all,
Shine where He has placed you
in His plans, both great and small…

This poem is registered with the United States Copyright Office. Through that office permissions can be sought for use of the material.

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