Blogsy firsts

First template ::  I chose the simple Shallow template with a pink theme and a pomegranate for the header image


First post  ::  My first ideas and impressions about blogging

I’m quite aware of this blogging craze years way back… I learned about it from a friend who’s got his own homepage with a blog and he posts regularly like it’s his diary. First time I saw the word, I pronounced it separately as “bee-log”. (more…)


First comment  ::  I was so surprised to get a comment for my first entry just few days after I posted it… for a newbie, I was on Cloud 9 that time. hehehe
Ric was one of the first few visitors in this site, too bad he closed down his own blog (

First tagboard messages  ::  Getting friendly messages from the tagboard made me feel at home immediately

First IM chat w/ a blogsy friend  ::  I realized it’s really different when you’re chatting with a blogmate instead of the usual reading and commenting on posts.  🙂


First eyeball w/ a blogsy friend  :: Not yet, hehehe…but who knows, it might be soon! 🙂


So why am I posting my blogsy firsts here? Well, this blog just turned a year older last April 6 though I’m just celebrating it now. I am one happy resident of the blogosphere, and it wouldn’t be fun without you my dear blogsy friends. *hugs*

365 days in the blogosphere and still counting… happy birthday blog!
P.S. Here’s a cake for you my dear guests (thanks to Raine for the cake generator link). By the way, I got the idea of my ‘blogging firsts’ from her blog anniversary post, I just added more ‘firsts’. Thanks again Raine! 🙂


18 thoughts on “Blogsy firsts”

  1. Happy birthday PINK Blog!
    May everything you influence turn pink. Well, not the men though, otherwise, di na kayo talo titah.
    Seriously, congratulations! More Writing Power. So when do we drink?

  2. happy bday to your blog! thanks for the greetings! more posts and years to come!!! happy easter pa gid..haha, belated tanan!

  3. happy blog anniversary! ganda naman ng pagsabi mo ng anniv. aliw! hehehehe. sana ako yung first na eyeball para mamention din ako among the firsts. hahaha. makapunta nga ng bacolod. heheeh ;p

  4. Daisy: salamat! i like the idea of listing them down and putting the images, imagine i slept quite late just to put them up here, LOL…

  5. Karol: belated happy birthday to you too! you have the same bday as my blog… so it would be easy to remember your bday now.

  6. Tin-tin: oo nga noh…. when you come to bacolod just tell me. hmmm…meron pa sanang additional blogsy firsts — the first few links in my blogroll, and you were one of them.

  7. Virus: thanks! what drink would you like to have sir? buko juice, you like? yun lang kasi ang andito eh… 🙂

  8. Wil: thanks! i just borrowed the idea for the blogging ‘firsts’. i also like your blogiversary post. 🙂

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