Blogsy thoughts: on bloghopping

Visiting other blogs is one my blogsy pleasures and I love reading other bloggers’ ideas, insights, lessons, rants and raves. I also make it a point to comment and share my views on their posts or drop some messages on their tagboards. I already had my bloghopping rules even when I was still new to blogging.

Though I am not visiting a lot of blogs lately (and missing out on a great deal of good reads these days), here are some of my blogsy habits when I do my blog rounds:

  • visit the links in my blogroll (in alphabetical order or randomly)
  • visit whoever posts their latest comments
  • visit anybody who leaves a message in the tagboard
  • go hopping from one blog to another (not necessarily from my blogroll)
  • do some lurking on some bookmarked favorite blogs
  • check up on new entries via RSS feeds from my Google Reader

How about you? Can you relate to some of these habits or do you have another way of doing your blog rounds?

To my dear blogsy friends, sorry for not visiting your blogs lately. I am still doing an experiment with my blogsy ventures but I will be dropping by your blogs soon.

2 thoughts on “Blogsy thoughts: on bloghopping”

  1. Blogsy habits? I suppose we all have our own – though I’m trying to refine mine. I find myself randomly hopping from one blog to another. I see a comment somewhere that I like, so I click to visit that person’s blog, and then I click a link over there. Often I find myself somewhere and cannot figure out how I got there. This is not a good thing, if I ever plan on going back!
    I do, however, know how I found your blog. Congrats on being PPP blog of the day! I do try to check all the blogs of the day out as much as possible.

  2. Hi Anna! Yeah, the comments section is a good resource for bloghopping. I found some good friends that way too, I’m interested enough to visit those bloggers with comments that got my attention.
    Thanks for the greet and for dropping by! 🙂

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