Becoming drug-free

I recently heard a story about the cold-blooded murder of a family, where the child was able to run to their neighbor to tell them that her mother was being killed. It was later found out that the ruthless criminal was under the influence of drugs.

Drug addiction is still one of society’s evils and even if government authorities do all they can to stop this, it continues to plague humanity particularly the youth. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse in the US, “Abuse and addiction to alcohol, nicotine, and illegal substances cost Americans upwards of half a trillion dollars a year, considering their combined medical, economic, criminal, and social impact.”

What happens to a person addicted to drugs? He becomes depressed and feels lifeless, suffering physically and mentally. Family and loved ones are adversely affected as well. Is there still hope? Substance abuse often leads to brain disease creating a negative impact to health, causing sickness and even death. This is where a drug rehab program is very important in ending drug addiction since the healing and treatment process takes time.

Drug rehabilitation centers are such places for addiction treatment.These are usually situated in a quiet semi-residential area, surrounded by hills and trees, some are even located near a lake for fishing, providing an environment ideal for an addiction recovery. There are some drug rehab centers offering an all natural detoxification and withdrawal process using a combination of proper nutrition and nutritional supplementation. Students are then given counseling and life-skills program to guide and show them the way to finally becoming drug-free.

2 thoughts on “Becoming drug-free”

  1. It feels good when you see those nasty pushers and users being caught by the police on TV. Inside my brain, I get to chant, “buti nga sa inyo.. sana maubos na kayo!” God Bless. Drugs = crap.

  2. Louis: one mother had to transfer their family to another place when she knew her son was being used by those drug pushers as the ‘meeting person’ for the payment. tsk tsk…

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