
Art appreciation

Whenever I look at a piece of art, be it a painting or sculpture, I am always fascinated with the way the artist created his work. While I may be critical about its design concept, workmanship or overall appearance, I have great respect for artists and admire the effort put into their art. I remember my artist uncle who used to stay with us when I was a kid. During afternoons, he would take me and my siblings to the seashore so we could play in the sand while he would busy himself sketching on one corner. Afterwards, he would show us his detailed drawings at home. That sparked an interest in me to pursue a course in architecture.

Though I may not be practicing this profession nowadays, the appreciation for art is still there. I just miss drawing and painting though and I feel a bit sad thinking about my now untouched paintbrushes, watercolor tubes, pencils and sketch pads stashed away somewhere in my room.

For art enthusiasts, there’s fun in collecting paintings and sculptures especially from known artists. Below is ‘Fields of Summer’ by Slava Brodinsky which I randomly chose from the Park West Art Gallery.

Fields of Summer (11 1/2” x 15 1/2”)
Serigraph in color on wove paper
by Slava Brodinsky, 2004

More artists can be browsed over (from A to Z) at the Park West Art Gallery, including their biographies, art style or technique and list of works. Fine art auctions are held in the US and Canada and their affiliate company, Park West at Sea conducts worldwide art auctions onboard cruise ships.

One reply on “Art appreciation”

[…] created his work. While I may be critical about its design concept, workmanship or overall appeara BRODINSKY SEASIDE FIELDS SERIGRAPH SIGNED – eBay (item …Jul 2, 2008 … eBay: Find SLAVA […]

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