Another blue screen!

I’m so happy today! Finally, I was able to keep our desktop computer up and running with freshly installed Windows XP. No more dreaded blue screen screaming at me with it’s sorry-but-I-have-to-kill-your-PC words. It’s like a big thorn has been taken out from my brain. Now, I’m looking at a different blue screen that definitely looks better than the previous one. Anyway, the problem was with the CMOS setup, I checked it in detail yesterday and discovered that the BIOS plug and play devices option was disabled. Argghhh… Now I dunno why it was like that or what could have caused it? I usually don’t play around with the CMOS setup. I asked my Dad, and he also didn’t do anything to it. Maybe Scrappy did! (He’s our doggie actually, and he always gets the blame for any unexplained happenings in our house.) Well, it doesn’t matter anyway… I’m just so glad the computer is now alive.

This is definitely the blue screen I’d like to see. 🙂

I also got big help from Avira’s freeware NTFS4DOS which helped me access the faulty XP drive (on NTFS format) while I was running on Win98 OS. With this program, I was able to copy and transfer some important files from the XP drive to the Win98 drive.

Okey, enough of the techie talk!  I am just blabbering here… Time to celebrate with an ice cream! Banana split, anyone? 🙂

10 thoughts on “Another blue screen!”

  1. Did I tell you I just introduced myself to the P.C. barely a year ago, and the my first p.c. a laptop lasted exactly two days and was replaced> I didn’t even bother to set it up, until somebody (my brother in law) who consider himself an expert, he is also an expert in Nuclear Medicine, presented himself to do it and he really knew what he was doing.
    So when I got my Desk from Dell I took an extended Warranty to let Dell worry the rest and they are good at it too. Now about this Vista, MSm says I could download the upgrade, but I can’t even figure the features of what I have now and it says it comes with a Media Center, which already in my system, which is never used so I think this Vista is not much of an upgrade..

  2. Alvin: if it’s from Manila Pen then it must surely be yummy! I’m just thinking of making a homemade banana split myself. 🙂
    Daisy: thankssss yoeee…. and thanks to the Prague connection.
    Vic: hehe… but you will know more about these things as you go along with your blogging. just like me, I’ve learned more techie stuff with blogging.

  3. yep want one too and i want to meet your dog scrappy, cousin of scooby hehehe
    I am still tweaking things up in the new blog so thanks for the feedback 🙂

  4. Raine: hehehe… our dog scrappy would want to meet you too! he’ll jump on you and lick your hands if he likes you…but if he doesn’t like somebody, he behaves like a real bad dog. 🙂
    okies…I’m curious about your move to blogger? any emotional probs you want to share? tee hee…

  5. ok i’ll bring along Tyra Barks our new dog to meet Scrappy.She’s more behaved than our other do Sandara Barks(they’re cousins). About my move, no emo stuff goin on.I just want a blog where i can insert my music codes LOLS natouch ka sa kalalom sa akong reason? tama, care to share about your blogsy ventures? 🙂

  6. Raine: weee… Tyra Barks, super model… Sandara Barks, artista… ayos! 😀
    ows… reason accepted. i really was just curious. i can buzz you in yahoo messenger, about the blogsy ventures…that is if it’s OK w/ u. 🙂

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