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Many years ago, our family dealt with the hospitalization of my mom. It was such a difficult phase we went through as my mom experienced so much pain and discomfort, she was also subjected to a lot of medical tests and she was really sick. The cause, lack of electrolytes particularly sodium, was too simple but it gave us a valuable lesson. Each person has a different biological reaction to diet and medication. Thus what may be effective to one’s body could work differently in another.

Thus, when investing in one’s health, it pays to know about your biological background. This is important when purchasing food supplements and vitamins as each person has unique nutritional requirements. Getting valuable guidance from a doctor who knows about your medical background is the best way to go; you will be given a prescription on which vitamins and supplements to take based on your dietary needs, age and lifestyle. This means you’re on your way to attaining good health with such personalized professional guidance.