Health and Fitness

A season of forgetting diets

I thought it was a big joke as I heard Christmas carols being played when I was at a department store. I then checked the date and it was the first day of September. Christmas season is finally here. Well at least here in our country, we know this season is during the ‘ber’ months.

You know what’s one thing that comes to my mind about this season? Diets being pushed to the backseat.

Well, just think of the numerous parties and reunions that we attend to during the holidays. Expect the table to be loaded with lots of tempting calorie-laden foodies. You would really forget about being on a diet when you’re attending some party, right? So, I predict lots of people gaining weight after the season. Some won’t seem to mind as they would always say that after the holidays, they will be on a hunger strike because by then it’s their pockets that will be on diet… you know, being drained by the holiday splurge. Hehehe..

Anyway, if they do get some bulging tummies, the simple folks can always do some exercises at home in their free time or do some jogging around the neighborhood. Some busy execs would get themselves enrolled in a gym class, while the rich and glam can get their bodies trimmed with liposuction in Beverly Hills. Well, there are lots of ways to get rid of excess fat, so better just forget the diet (of course, don’t be a glutton), enjoy the food and the company of family and friends.

And speaking of Christmas, I do hope it will be a special one for me this year. I hope yours will be special too!

2 replies on “A season of forgetting diets”

awww christmas! waaaa I'll miss christmas in the Phils. walay makalabaw! sige lang… it will still be special for me anyway.

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