A right decision

As I bring to mind our internet café business, I can’t help but to continue sharing about some memories of it, especially those about the gaming of the young students.

At first gaming was part of our services, as many youngsters/students flock to internet cafes to play, so we thought it would be good business. Later on however, as I observed the boys, even young pupils, play these internet games, one time, I was shocked to hear some shouting, “Kill him, kill him, stab him, stab him!” I forget now the name of that game, but what stuck in my mind was the shocking shouts and shrills. Then I realized these kinds of games are not good for the yet-moldable minds as they would subtly affect the psychology of the young, deadening their sensitivity, especially to the value of life. (I would like to qualify this, many of internet games though are educational, and can be good and useful tools in teaching the young as they learn along the way.)

After that experience, right away I told the family we would not anymore include games in our internet café services, as we would not like to be part of any destructive activity for anyone, much less for young students at that. And it has brought me peace of mind, with no regrets whatsoever in that decision.

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