A hundred blogs a day: On Entrecard addiction and commenting habits

I’ve been visiting a LOT of blogs lately. Thanks to Entrecard! This has also made me super busy when blog-hopping. Before Entrecard became part of my blogging life, I used to visit about 20 blogs a day, usually those of my family and blogmates. With my recent Entrecard “dropping addiction”, my daily visits would sometimes take me to a hundred blogs or even more!

Now this hundred-blogs-a-day activity has actually made me, as a blogger, reflect more on my blogging habits, especially on commenting, and here are two habits I’d like to improve on:

1. Respond to all comments. (Though there are a lot of spams in my inbox as well, I appreciate and am happy to receive comments but I am just so lazy to reply to them… I know this is one blogging habit I’d like to improve.)

2. Comment more on other blogs. (I am more of a lurker, a silent reader when I’m blog hopping and I want this to change a bit by commenting more on posts I like!)

These are noble goals, not only for me, but for any blogger as well, yeah?

Anyway, have you got some blogging goals, proposals or ideas after doing a crazy Entrecard hundred-blogs-a-day dropping experience? 🙂

3 thoughts on “A hundred blogs a day: On Entrecard addiction and commenting habits”

  1. Hi Patricia! Yup, commenting is a great way for bloggers to interact with their readers, and it opens doors for more ideas… thanks for dropping by and sharing your thoughts! 🙂

  2. Pingback: new horizons » September Top 10 Entrecard droppers

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